Transactions Activity

This dashboard provides a basic overview of network interest from a transaction perspective.

For example, select the "xfi_test" network, set the limit to 500, and choose dates "This week."

  1. The "Txs Types - Txs Values" query dashboard shows the accumulated sum of transaction types. The dominant swaps and mints, along with steady growth, indicate ongoing interest in both usage and liquidity provision.
  2. The "Volumes - Txs Values" section provides detailed value information to help evaluate the significance of transactions.
  3. The "Density - Txs Values" section displays time-series areas of interest for specific operations and volumes.
  4. The "Addresses Interaction" section provides data about the parties involved.
  5. The "Wallets Focused Interactions" section highlights the most interested parties.

Dashboard link:

Txs Types

This query retrieves and processes transaction data within a specified date range, calculating the count and running sum of transaction values for swap, burn and mint transaction types, grouped and ordered by the block timestamp.


This query retrieves and processes transaction data within a specified date range, calculating the count and running sum of transaction values for swap, burn and mint transaction types, grouped and ordered by the block timestamp.

Density by Tx Type

This query retrieves and processes transaction data within a specified date range, calculating the count and running sum of transaction values for swap, burn and mint transaction types, grouped and ordered by the block timestamp.

All Parties

This query retrieves and processes transaction data from a decentralized exchange (DEX) within a specified date range, including pool and wallet addresses, token addresses and amounts, transaction type, and calculates transaction values and their running sum, ordered by timestamp and transaction value sum.

Wallet Focused Interactions

This query retrieves transaction data from a decentralized exchange (DEX), including details such as pool and wallet addresses, token addresses and amounts, transaction type, calculates transaction values and their running sum, and orders the results by timestamp in descending order and transaction value sum in ascending order.

Txs Values

This query retrieves and processes transaction data within a specified date range, calculating the count and running sum of transaction values for swap, burn and mint transaction types, grouped and ordered by the block timestamp.
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Addresses Interaction

This query retrieves and processes transaction data from a decentralized exchange (DEX) within a specified date range, including pool and wallet addresses, token addresses and amounts, transaction type, and calculates transaction values and their running sum, ordered by timestamp and transaction value sum.
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Wallet Focused Interactions

This query retrieves transaction data from a decentralized exchange (DEX), including details such as pool and wallet addresses, token addresses and amounts, transaction type, calculates transaction values and their running sum, and orders the results by timestamp in descending order and transaction value sum in ascending order.
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